Work and resources

Approved Projects

Projets labllises_sans fleche


The Bestim JTN suggests to “label” some members’ research projects. These projects must necessarily involve one of the members of the RMT (How to become a member?).

This approving is a support, a recommendation of the project to potential project funders (CASDAR, ANR, Region, etc). It attests to the interest of the project on the topic worked by the JTN.

By accepting the approvement of a project, the promoter undertakes to share all or part of the results of the project with the scientific community of JTN. In return, the JTN undertakes to disseminate the results, and/or to provide scientific and methodological support to the project.

For any request for labelling, please send your request to the facilitators with the most advanced draft possible of the project at least 15 days before the submission date.

If the project is supported, a letter of accreditation will be sent to you.

Projects labelled by the JTN

Name of the project Combining biocontrol and biostimulant products for better valorization and use of biocontrol products for the management of grapevine downy mildew
Acronym MiStiC (Mildew, Stimulation, Control)
Descriptive The project will test in vitro and then in situ, standardised devices suitable for the testing of biocontrol products, the value of the synergy between biocontrol and biostimulants in order to optimize the protection effectiveness of biocontrol products and reduce the use of conventional plant protection products against downy mildew.
Period 3 years
Project start date January 1st 2022
Budget 367,277.56€
Member(s) of the JTN involve IFV, Vegepolys Innovation, Chambre d’Agriculture de Saône et Loire
Other partners Chambre d’Agriculture de Gironde
Funders France AGRIMER
Key words associated Grapevine, biocontrol, biostimulant
Contact Guillaume DELANOUE

IFV engineer

French Institute of Vine and Wine


Communication_sans fleche

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Communications realised by members of the JTN Bestim


Les Rencontres Plant2Pro – Root symbioses for plant nutrition and protection

Start date: 16/09/2021

End date: 17/09/2021

Organizers: Carnot Institute Plant2Pro

Location: Sophia Antipolis

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

Presentation of the BESTIM Mixed Technology Network: Stimulating plant health in agroecological systems

Start date: 13/10/2021

End date: 13/10/2021

Organisers: Vegepolys Valley

Location: Videoconference

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

AFAIA – Commission Biostimulation

Start date : 14/10/2021

End date : 14/10/2021

Organisers : AFAIA

Location: Videoconference

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

ABIM 2021

Start date : 19/10/2021

End date : 20/10/2021

Organisers : IBMA

Location : Vidéoconférence or Bâle, Suisse

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Poster

Plant immunity

Start End : 16/11/2021

End date : 16/11/2021

Organisers : Agreenium

Location: Videoconference

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

Ecophyto research & innovation 2021 conference: “Genetic factors of resistance

Start date : 25/11/2021

End date : 25/11/2021

Organisers : Inrae

Location: Videoconference

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT



Start date : 08/03/2022

End date : 09/03/2022

Organisers : Végéphyl

Location : Lille

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

Meeting of the Biocontrol Working Group of the B4C competitiveness cluster

Start date: 25/03/2022

End date : 25/03/2022

Organisers : B4C

Location: Videoconference

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT


Start date : 22/03/2022

End date : 22/03/2022

Organisers: Vegepolys Valley

Location: Videoconference

Programme :

Representation of the RMT: Oral presentation of the RMT

Phloème 2022

Start date: 03/11/2022

End date : 04/11/2022

Organisers : Arvalis

Location : Paris

Programme: Read more

Representation of the RMT: Poster

Teaching aids


Livre Les Stimulateurs de Défense des Plantes

Plant Defence Stimulators

The result of a collective effort by the RMT Elicitra, this book provides an overview of the use of plant defence stimulators with key points on the current situation and future developments. This overview is based on factual data, the state of research in France and worldwide, experiments, feedback and market realities. Buy this book

Understanding of the solutions: from lab to system

Comprehension_sans fleche

Methodological Guide for the Evaluation of Plant Defense Inducers (PDI)

The Elicitra JTN has produced a methodological guide listing the parameters to be considered in order to carry out reliable tests to evaluate the effectiveness under controlled conditions and the production of PDI.
This guide also includes procedures to highlight the PDI effect of a product.

Consult the methodological guide on the Elicitra JTN website (in French)

CEB Method MG 14: General Principles for testing PDI (in English)

Published in March 2016, this official method of evaluation of the plants defense inducers, highlights a work initiated by the Elicitra JTN in 2012. It is available on the Vegephyl website for 72 €.

Summary table of tests conducted (effectiveness) (in French)

A table containing the results of efficacy tests, obtained by all the members of the Elicitra JTN, as well as the methodology used is available by clicking here.

Implementation and field-transfer action

Application_sans fleche

CEPP* action sheets related to agroecological immunity.*CEPP = Certificates of Plant Protection Products savings system

Find all the CEPP sheets available by clicking here.