Launching of the European Adopt-IPM project

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Auteur et contact : Philippe DELVAL, WP4 leader ” Field demonstrations and implementation by end-users ” (Démonstrations sur le terrain et mise en œuvre par les utilisateurs finaux)

The kick-off meeting of the European Adopt-IPM project took place from 9 to 11 January in Paris.

The full name is ” EU-CHINA joint action to increase development and adoption of IPM tools “. It is therefore a research and development project in collaboration with China. The consortium includes 18 European, 3 British and 13 Chinese partners. The French partners are INRAe, ACTA, CTIFL, ACTA DS, Agriodor, IFTech, Rougeline and INRAe Transfert. The project leader is Dr Nicolas Desneux, research director at INRAe in Sophia-Antipolis.

The project will test biostimulants and elicitors in its research and development component on tomato, salad, cabbage and cereal crops.

A project website will open soon.